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Big Idea 2015/Unbroken: Friendship

2015-2016 Big Idea "Unbroken" Resources for students and faculty.

Friendship in the Age of Facebook

An Unlikely Friendship

Two veterans of the second World War, one from America and the other Germany, became fast friends at their retirement home. Click the image above to learn more! (Image by

Friends and Success

Almost everyone can agree that having friends is a fundamental part of a balanced life. But do social connections have other benefits? Click the image above to learn more! (Image by

The Theme: Friendship

"The dead weren't numbers on a page. They were their roommates, their drinking buddies, the crew that had been flying off their wings ten seconds ago. Men didn't go one by one. A quarter of barracks was lost at once. There were rarely funerals, for there were rarely bodies." -Laura Hillenbrand

In Unbroken, Louie discovers that friendship is a double-edged sword in times of war. On one hand, Louie's friends keep him alive and give him the hope he needs to survive more than once. On the other hand, the role they played makes their absence all the more keen when they pass on. Unbroken explores the unique relationships that soldiers form and grants outsiders a rare glimpse into their world. 

Cicero on Friendship

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How Many Friends Can a Person Have?

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Everyone enjoys being popular, but is there a limit to how many friends a person can make? Click the image above to learn more!

Gilgamesh and Enkidu: The World's First Bros

The Epic of Gilgamesh, an ancient Mesopotamian poem, chronicles the friendship of Gilgamesh, a superhuman king, and Enkidu, an equally powerful beast man. Their legendary bond has inspired many works like the one above, a painting by artist Ludmila Zeman. (Image by

Library Work Study

Nate Aubin

Books about Friendship

Bound by Loss