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Logan Library


Information about the library's mission, policies, resources, and services.

Library Policies

Mobile Phones & Noise

The library's study and instruction areas are considered quiet spaces. Out of respect for your fellow library users, we ask that all calls and cell phone use that may disturb others be confined to the Grand Hall and Coffee Corner.  Please make sure your phone notifications are set to silent and that all alarms are turned off before beginning your individual, group, or class studies at the library. The library staff will respond appropriately to noise complaints and repeated issues may result in removal from the library. 

Food & Drink

Only beverages with lids and small snacks are allowed in the main library, study rooms, and instruction areas. If you are eating something such as fast food, a sandwich, or a meal, please take it to the Grand Hall area. All food and drink-related trash should be disposed of in the trash cans in the Grand Hall. 

Messages & Posted Signs

Except in emergencies, library staff will not relay personal messages or search for patrons in the Library. Student Services must approve all materials posted on the library's bulletin board. (Cailloux Center-ext. 283)

Devices Available for Check Out

Faculty and currently enrolled Schreiner University students may borrow the following:

1) laptops,

2) TI-84 graphing calculators,

3) scientific calculators,

4) HP 10bll+ Financial Calculator,

5) headphones, 

6) phone chargers, and

7) HDMI cables

Technology check outs accrue overdue fines and fees as stated on the Technology Responsibility Agreement form (available at the Library Services Desk) that must be signed during the initial checkout each semester. Lost or damaged fees for library technology and peripherals are charged in addition to any overdue fines. Requests for renewed check out must be made in person at the Library Services Desk.

For information about using technology in the library, please see Computers and Printing

  • Need a calculator now? Go to math tools for free online calculators (four function, graphing, scientific, & matrix). They also have an app!

Service or Emotional Support Dogs


Logan Library welcomes service dogsService dogs are defined as those “specially trained to assist persons with visual disabilities, hearing impairments, or mobility impairments by performing specific tasks.” These are tasks an individual with a disability cannot perform for himself or herself. Service dogs often wear some sort of special collar, vest, or harness, but they are not required to do so.

The owner/partner/handler of a service animal must maintain the animal on a leash at all times and must be in full control of the animal at all times. Any service animal can be excluded/removed from the library if its behavior poses a threat to the health or safety of others, or when its behavior creates a disruption to activities going on around it [e.g. barking or growling at others].


Logan Library does not allow Emotional Support Dogs. Assistance animals (e.g. emotional support animals) are allowed in the owner’s campus residence but are not allowed in the Library or other campus buildings. “Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals under ADA.” [ADA Requirements. Service Animals]

Library Staff may ask:

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
  • What specific tasks is the animal trained to perform?

Examples of service animal tasks: guiding those who are blind; alerting those who are deaf to specific sounds; pulling wheelchairs and/or fetching/carrying objects for someone with mobility impairments; alerting/protecting someone having a seizure.

Library Staff May Not Ask:

  • What is your disability?
  • Require documentation [ID card, certification, etc.] or visible designation [vest, collar, etc.]

See the University’s policy on Service and Assistance Animals


Borrower Policies

Schreiner Students
Schreiner Employees
Schreiner Faculty

Loan Periods
(if no fines or fees owed)


Books - 21 Days

DVDs - 3 days

  • Laptops (3-day check out)
  • Graphing, Scientific, and Financial Calculators (3-day check out)
  • Headphones (3-hour check out, in-library use only)
  • Study Supplies--Expo Markers and Erasers (3-hour, in-library use only)
  • Phone Chargers (3-hour, in-library use only)
  • HDMI cables (3-hour, in-library use only)

Books - 21 Days

DVDs - 3 days

  • Laptops (3-day check out)
  • Graphing, Scientific, and Financial Calculators (3-day check out)
  • Headphones (3-hour check out, in-library use only)
  • Study Supplies--Expo Markers and Erasers (3-hour, in-library use only)
  • Portable Charging Sticks (3-hour, in-library use only)
  • Charging Cables and Power Adapters (3-hour, in-library use only)
  • HDMI cables (3-hour, in-library use only)

Books - 180 Days
A/V Items - 6 weeks

Books - 21 Days
A/V Items - Not Loaned

Maximum Number
of Borrowed Items

Books - Unlimited
A/V Items - 3
Laptops - 1
Calculators - 1

Books - Unlimited
A/V Items - 3

Unlimited Borrowing

Books - 3
A/V Items - Not Loaned

(if no fines or fees owed)

Books - 1
A/V Items - None
Laptops - None

Calculators - None

Books - 1
A/V Items - None

Unlimited Renewals
(all items subject to recall)

Books - 1
A/V Items - Not Loaned

Overdue Fines
(per item / per day)

Books - $.25
A/V Items - $1.00
Laptops - $50.00

Calculators - $1.00

Books - $.25
A/V Items - $1.00


Books - $.25
A/V Items - Not Loaned

Maximum Fines
(per item)

Books - $7.00
A/V Items - $90.00
Laptops - $150.00

Calculators - $5.00

Books - $7.00
A/V Items - $90.00


Books - $7.00
A/V Items - Not Loaned

Lost Item Fees
(per item / plus any fines)

Books - $60.00
A/V Items - current market price + $15.00 processing fee
Laptops - $500.00

Calculators - $60.00


Books - $60.00
A/V Items - current market price + $15.00 processing fee


Books - $60.00
A/V Items - Not Loaned

** All items are due before closing on the date indicated on the item.
To avoid holds on accounts, students must return all items before closing on the last day of exams.

Borrowers are responsible for their items until the items are checked in at the Circulation Desk.
As a courtesy, the Library sends overdue notices, but takes no responsibility for late or undelivered notices.
Archival materials, periodicals, and most reserve materials are not loaned out of the building.


Holds, Recalls, and Renewals

Schreiner University students and faculty may place holds on checked out items by speaking to a library staff member at 830.792.7312 or in person at the Library Services Desk. Hold requests are filled in the order received and items are held for five (5) days before they are re-shelved. Holds may not be placed on reserve items or laptops. Items may not be recalled, however, placing a hold on an item will prevent additional renewals from being placed by the current patron. 

Room Reservations - Faculty & Staff

For information about reserving the Sun Porch or Scarle Philips Room, please contact Imelda Penz by email or phone 830.792.7316

Community Patrons


  • Schreiner University welcomes residents of the area to use the Logan Library.
  • Area residents may use books, periodicals, and computer resources within the building and ask the reference staff for assistance.
  • The university's Archives and Special Collections are available for community research access by request
  • To take books out of the building, residents of Kerr and the six contiguous counties (Bandera, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kimble, and Real) are asked to complete an application form at the Library Services Desk and pick up a copy of the Borrower Policies (see tab above for Borrower Policies).

Behavior Policies

  • Anyone who enters the building must exhibit appropriate library behavior.
  • All children must be accompanied by and supervised by an adult.
  • People who exhibit inappropriate behavior and/or disturb Schreiner University staff, students or faculty will be asked to leave the building.


The needs of Schreiner University students and faculty are given first priority. With this in mind, the following policies apply to community borrowers.

  • Interlibrary loan services are not available to community patrons.
  • Laptops checkouts are not available to community patrons.
  • Audiovisual materials may not be checked out. They may be viewed only in the library.
  • Periodicals are available for use only in the Library. 
  • Materials on reserve for a course may not be checked out.
  • Group-study rooms are restricted to Schreiner University students, faculty, and staff.
  • Community hours and access may be restricted during peak academic times (midterms, finals, and special events).

Remote Access to Databases

  • While physically in the library, community patrons may use all of the library's electronic resources such as the library catalog and most databases, including the TexShare databases and eBooks.
  • Remote access to Logan Library's subscription databases is not available to community patrons, however, most Texas public libraries will provide their patrons with a special login for many of these databases because they are offered as a public service from your local public and by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission.
  • Community patrons should contact their local Texas public library for information on becoming an authorized user of the TexShare Databases.

Computer/Internet Policies

  • Two computers with MS Office 2016 and internet access are reserved for guest and community patron use.
  • Printing (Color and Black & White) is available for our community users. All patrons must pay for printouts and copies upon receipt.
  • Technology check-outs are reserved for faculty and student users. 
  • During high-demand times, community patrons may be asked to limit computer use to 30 minutes.
  • All users are expected to adhere to the general policies of Schreiner University regarding Responsible Computing and Internet use.

Applying For and Renewing Borrowing Privileges

  • Residents of Kerr and the six contiguous counties (Bandera, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kimble, and Real) are eligible to apply for community borrower privileges.
  • A photo ID and proof of residency (e.g., a driver's license) are required.
  • Dependents are required to have a parent or guardian come to the Library and sign the application form.
  • Borrowing privileges are valid for one year from the date of acceptance of the application.
  • Borrowing privileges may be renewed in person or by calling the Library at (830) 792-7312 during business hours.

Circulation Policies

  • A maximum of three books may be checked out at any given time.
  • Books circulate for three weeks.
  • A book may be renewed one time by phone or in person - if there is no hold on the item and no fines are owed.
  • Borrowing privileges are suspended when any item becomes overdue and resume when the fine is paid and the book returned.
  • Fines for overdue books are 25 cents a day per book, up to a maximum fine of $7.00 per book. In addition to the fine, a fee of $60.00 per book will be charged for each book that is not returned. This $60.00 fee will be waived when the book is returned, but the overdue fines remain the responsibility of the borrower.
  • Two notices are sent reminding patrons to return overdue books.
  • Books checked out by community patrons may be recalled for use by Schreiner University students and faculty.
  • Chronic offenders of library policies may have their borrowing privileges terminated.