A professional organization dedicated to promoting pottery.
A Boston-based non-profit arts organization and online art journal. They commission and publish articles, essays and reviews that explore the theory, history and reception of art in its current conditions.
Digital Library for the Decorative Arts and Material Culture
From the University of Wisconsin, this resource features digital image and text collections relating to early American ceramics and earthenware.
A directory of contemporary and historic ceramics.
A professional organization of the ceramic arts community.
Images of contemporary ceramic work by current participants of the artist in residence program.
Visit the "Galleries" page to view current and past exhibitions.
Broad range of contemporary work by an independent network of artists.
Annual invitational pottery show in Austin, TX.
Offers residency programs. See work by current and former artists in residence.
A variety of ceramic work.
Ceramic work center in Holland.
Contemporary ceramic artists' work.
Offers artist residencies and workshops. See exhibitions and artist links.
KyoungHwa Oh creates ceramic objects that reflect traditional Korean culture and modern Western society. His ceramics are strongly influenced by various elements of nature.
Offers artist residencies and workshops. Links to past residents.