From the Sunlight Foundation. Select a state to start to research bills, review voting records, contact elected officials and more. Bulk data downloads are available.
The National Election Studies series is one of the premier sources for data on voting behavior and political attitudes in the post-WWII United States.
Supported by Google Ideas, the GDELT Project monitors the world's broadcast, print, and web news from nearly every corner of every country in over 100 languages and identifies the people, locations, organizations, counts, themes, sources, emotions, counts, quotes and events driving our global society every second of every day, creating a free open platform for computing on the entire world.
The GSS measures public opinion in the United States on a wide variety of topics of interest to social scientists. The survey, which began in the early 1970's, provides a (nearly) annual perspective on American attitudes toward government, life, race, religion, and other social issues.
The Pew Research Center is a major center for the study of public opinion and regularly conducts polls (both at home and abroad) about various social and political topics and contemporary issues. They make many of their studies available for download here. Many of the more recent data files are in SPSS format. Users are required to register before downloading a dataset, but registration is free.
Search for datasets across over 1000 different major data centers and repositories including ICPSR, Harvard Dataverse, Data-Planet, the California Digital Library, Figshare, Dryad, the Center for Open Science, UC San Diego Library Digital Collections, etc.
A database with hundreds of variables for the US and the world.
Access the world's largest collection of social science research data here by searching across or browsing through one of the virtual data archives (called "dataverses") listed below. Data is uploaded by researchers from around the world.
Registry of research data repositories
The flagship datasest is the QoG Standard Dataset, which is available in both cross-section and time-series. The QoG Basic Dataset is easier to use, offering the most used and the most qualitative variables in terms of data from the QoG Standard Dataset. The QoG OECD covers countries who are members of the OECD. The EU Regional Data consists of approximately 450 variables from Eurostat and other sources. The QoG Expert Survey is a dataset based on our survey of experts on public administration around the world.
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) assembles and codes information on the policy processes of governments from around the world.
Datasets include: Adjusted state antiquity dataset; Extraction ratio; Government revenues relative to GDP; Latent democracy indicator, 1850-2000; Conflict Catalog (Violent Conflicts 1400 A.D. to the Present in Different Regions of the World); Homicide dataset, 1800-2000.
The Correlates of War project collects and disseminates quantitative data in international relations.
Facts on international relations and security trends
Frequently updated estimates from the Federation of American Scientists.
Includes Excel files, 2004+. Presidential and Senate by state; House by Congressional District.
Congressional Bills; Bill Status; Bill Summaries; Commerce Business Daily; Code of Federal Regulations (Annual Edition); Electronic Code of Federal Regulations; Federal Register; United States Government Manual; House Rules and Manual; Privacy Act Issuances; Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States; Supreme Court Decisions 1937-1975 (FLITE)
@unitedstates is a shared commons of data and tools for the United States. Made by the public, used by the public.
Links and citation info for multiple Congressional datasets
Allows users to view every congressional roll call vote in American history on a map of the United States and on a liberal-conservative ideological map, including information about the ideological position of voting Senators and Representatives.
Cooperative Project of The University of Rochester, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, & George Washington University.
Collection of precinct-level results for as many U.S. elections as possible since 2000, linked to GIS boundary files of voting tabulation districts. Also visualized in the Stanford Election Atlas.