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Logan Library


Immigration & Ethnicity

Black/African American

Digital collections from the Library of Congress, and a special presentation the African-American quest for citizenship.

Asian & Pacific Islander American

Library of Congress external links to websites containing information on various groups of Asian Americans. The external websites tab contains links to external organizations such as historical societies and archives. The freely accessible materials tab provides links to digital materials which are available for viewing. Links are for open access journals, digital archives, and digitized museum collections. 

Hispanic/Latinx American

Native American

Arab/Middle Eastern American

MEARO was established in response to the growing interest and need to incorporate Middle Eastern Americans into the study of American society and culture, past and present. The project is grounded on the rich and significant body of scholarship and literature produced over a course of more than a century.

The Arab American Historical Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to promote research, preservation and dissemination of Arab American history and culture, enhancing and building better understanding of Americans of Arab descent.

Jewish American

European American

GAHF cultivates a greater awareness for German-American heritage and history through outreach efforts that deepen cultural understanding.