A series of animated maps (utilizing Microsoft Power Point) developed by the Military History Instructional Support Team of CSI
Features maps and links to maps on current world events such as the crisis in Libya and riots in London. Resources include various news, agency and other resources.
Collection of historical online maps:
The Central Intelligence Agency's Maps and Publications Released to the Public is a listing of all unclassified maps and publications available to the
Historical, national, world, satellite, war and Operation Enduring Freedom maps.
Military Battle and Campaign maps online.
Get data from NASA: USGS Earth Explorer, USGS Global Visualization Viewer, Global Data Explorer, TerraLook and more. Read about the newest enhancements here: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/44938627/ns/technology_and_science-science/#.Tp8bZHIg-PQ
Interactive online atlas of street maps and satellite imagery.
Digital collection of online historical and topical maps from the University of Texas Library. Includes maps of current world events.
Time-critical humanitarian information on global complex emergencies and natural disasters. Maps on this site are topically related.
Maps and geographic information resources provided by the United Nations.