Access the most relevant and important statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources.
Access the world's largest collection of social science research data here by searching across or browsing through one of the virtual data archives (called "dataverses") listed below. Data is uploaded by researchers from around the world.
Data catalog for the Odum Institute, which maintains one of the oldest and largest catalog of machine-readable data in the U.S., plus harvest data catalogs for the Dataweb, NARA, IQSS, Roper, and ICPSR.
Registry of research data repositories
A database with hundreds of variables for the US and the world.
(U.S. Census Bureau)
Source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data. Provides fact sheets, statistics, and data sets.
Search for datasets across over 1000 different major data centers and repositories including ICPSR, Harvard Dataverse, Data-Planet, the California Digital Library, Figshare, Dryad, the Center for Open Science, UC San Diego Library Digital Collections, etc.
Download, graph, and track 61,000 US and international time series from 48 sources. From the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Includes a range of U.S. and international economic data (price indexes, exchange rates, interest rates, GDP, trade balances, etc.). Useful features include easy browsing for U.S. regional data (states, MSAs, counties, BEA regions, Fed districts, Census divisions) and links to Liber8, the Fed's portal to current economic indicators, research and recent reports, and GeoFRED, a data-mapping tool which displays color-coded employment data on the state, MSA, and county levels.
Part of the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) website, GeoFRED is a data-mapping tool which displays color-coded employment data on the state, MSA, and county levels.
A set of surveys designed to gather information at multiple points in time on the labor market activities and other significant life events of several groups of men and women. For more than 4 decades, NLS data have served as an important tool for economists and other researchers.
These pages feature links to sets constructed by National Bureau of Economic Research authors and feature historical datasets as well links to recent sets related to economic indicators, industry, trade, demographics, and more.
Access the most relevant and important statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources.
Comprehensive global statistical database, covering all United Nations countries and areas.
The World Bank
The WDI includes 1000+ indicators from 209 countries spanning from 1960 to 2010.
Topics include: Agriculture & Rural Development, Aid Effectiveness, Economic Policy and External Debt, Education, Energy & Mining, Environment, Financial Sector, Health, Infrastructure, Labor & Social Protection, Poverty, Private Sector, Public Sector, Science & Technology, Social Development, Urban Development,
This public opinion database maintained by the University of North Carolina contains more than 230,000 questions from surveys conducted since 1958. It is the repository for all Louis Harris public opinion data and Roper Center nonproprietary poll data as well as state-level polling organizations from 22 states, with strong coverage of Southern states. Questions are searchable by keyword, date, study number, study title, or state.
ANES releases times series, panel and pilot study data on voting, public opinion, and political participation to facilitate an understanding of the theoretical and empirical foundations of national election outcomes.
UC San Diego subscribes to Nielsen marketing data from the Chicago Booth School of Business. The James M. Kilts Center for Marketing at Chicago Booth and the Nielsen Company have partnered to make four datasets available to US-based academic researchers. There are special restrictions on data access and use. Read the instructions before requesting access.
AidData is a collaborative initiative to provide products and services that promote the dissemination, analysis, and understanding of development finance information. At the core of the AidData program is the AidData web portal, which is a gateway to nearly 1 million records of development finance activities from donors around the world.
An Enterprise Survey is a firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy’s private sector. The surveys cover a broad range of business environment topics including access to finance, corruption, infrastructure, crime, competition, and performance measures. The World Bank has collected this data from face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners in over 130,000 companies in 125 economies.
The data presented here are the most widely-used, official-source development data from the World Bank and other international agencies, including external debt, GDP, and GNI per capita.
has data on almost 5,000 infrastructure projects in 139 low- and middle-income countries. The database is the leading source of PPI trends in the developing world, covering projects in the energy, telecommunications, transport, and water and sewerage sectors.
Statistical data on the global economy for over 200 countries. Contains time series data from 1960-current for over 550 development indicators.