In evidence based practice, much is made of Randomized Control Trials (i.e. clinical trials where participants are randomized assigned to an interventions, including a control group.) Why? Randomized Control Trials - RCTs - can show cause and effect not just association.
However, they are not the only study design available. This page provides a glossary (left column) of some of them. For more info & a nifty chart, check out CEBM's Study Design site.
Making sense of it all
Study designs can be classified as descriptive or analytical. The analytical studies have more power, or ability to predict, than descriptive studies and therefore rank higher in the evidence based world.
Descriptive studies give us a snap shot of what is happening. Surveys, case reports, cross sectional studies (using surveys) are descriptive. They cannot show cause and effect, but they can show prevalence or incidence. They can also be useful in spotting trends.
Analytical studies measure the relationship between factors. Cohort studies and randomized control trials are analytical. They show cause and effect.
Review articles are not considered evidence. One exception to this are Systematic Reviews - including their subset, Meta-Analysis.
Why are Systematic Reviews included in the evidence based pantheon? They aim for documented, exhaustive and comprehensive searching for all research on a specified topic. Most other types of reviews either do not document their search and collection of the research nor do they verify that they have completed an exhaustive and comprehensive search.
Levels of evidence are assigned to studies based on the methodological quality of their design, validity, and applicability to patient care. These decisions gives the "grade (or strength) of recommendation.
Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP: Levels of Evidence
Level I
Experimental study, randomized controlled trial (RCT)
Systematic review of RCTs, with or without meta-analysis
Level II
Quasi-experimental Study
Systematic review of a combination of RCTs and quasi-experimental, or quasi-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis Levels of evidence (sometimes called hierarchy of evidence) are assigned to studies based on the methodological quality of their design, validity, and applicability to patient care. These decisions gives the "grade (or strength) of recommendation".
Level III
Non-experimental study
Systematic review of a combination of RCTs, quasi-experimental and non-experimental, or non-experimental studies only, with or without meta-analysis.
Qualitative study or systematic review, with or without meta-analysis
Level IV
Opinion of respected authorities and/or nationally recognized expert committees/consensus panels based on scientific evidence.
- Clinical practice guidelines
- Consensus panels
Level V
Based on experiential and non-research evidence.
- Literature reviews
- Quality improvement, program or financial evaluation
- Case reports
- Opinion of nationally recognized expert(s) based on experiential evidence
Greenhalgh, Trisha. How to Read a Paper: the Basics of Evidence Based Medicine. London: BMJ, 2000.
From Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice : Models and Guidelines
Dang, D., & Dearholt, S.L. (2018). Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice : Model & guidelines (3rd ed). Sigma Theta Tau International.
EBM Pyramid
Greenhalgh, Trisha. How to Read a Paper: the Basics of Evidence Based Medicine. London: BMJ, 2000.
Case Report - a write up of the case of an individual patient; a clinical presentation. Often the first report of a new disease or disease trend.
Case Series - a write up of the cases of several patients all undergoing similar treatment.
Case-Control Study - a comparison of study subjects with a particular disease/risk factor (cases) to those without (controls). These have also been called retrospective studies. A good design for rare diseases but easy to get poor data.
Clinical Trial - an experimental study in which subjects receive an intervention. Preferably subjects are assigned to either treatment or no treatment/placebo (see Controlled Clinical Trial). Some trials compare multiple treatments, e.g. the subjects could be assigned to: Treatment A, Treatment B, No treatment/placebo. The different groups are called arms. This is the best study design for testing effect of interventions.
Cohort Study - a group of subjects followed through time. Cohort studies can be used to track effect of an exposure, e.g. all subjects had been exposed to lead in their housing, or they can track a cohort not exposed. They have also been called prospective studies. This is a strong design for determining risk and incidence.
Controlled Clinical Trial - a Clinical Trial where there is a control group receiving a comparison treatment or no treatment/placebo.
Cross Sectional Study - a descriptive study that documents the number of people with a particular disease or risk factor.
Randomized Controlled Trial - Same as Controlled Clinical Trial, with the added benefit of the subjects being randomly assigned to treatment/no treatment arms. This avoids selection bias as all subjects have an equal chance of being assigned to any one of the treatment/no treatment arms. Random assignment can be accomplished using machine generated random number tables. Assigning subjects using methods such as coin tosses or assigning even-odd numbers is considered pseudo-randomization.